Here's Why Pet Hemp/CBD Products Are Safe For Pets When Pot Isn't


Marijuana and hemp products for pets are becoming more widespread as well as more popular. However, if you're a pet owner, you might feel confused or worried at the notion of giving your pet one of these products. After all, pets often encounter marijuana that their owners have and can become poisoned by it if they eat it. So, what's to say that your pet will be any safer with pet hemp products?

12 December 2018

Why Antler Dog Chews Are The Ideal Choice For Your Pet


Chewing and dogs just go hand-in-hand. If you have a dog you may have noticed just how much they love having something that they can chew on. If you don't provide them with chews their object of choice may end up being your favorite shoe or even the sofa cushions. Providing your dog with a great chew means that they can stay out of trouble while also having something in their possession which may help to keep their teeth clean.

27 April 2018